From: John Berry 

> Jones, have you read my variable capacitor post, subject: On Topic in any
If so can I have your opinion on it? I think it was you that actually
identified the

patent co-invented by JLN?



Cannot comment on that now due to a contractual agreement, John - but would
like to clarify the comment that Jed makes about the need for, or rather the
perceived inability of the "garage level" inventor to make a positive
contribution to LENR. 


This is both true and false. 


It is true that meaningful incremental advances, based on understanding the
minutiae of the process, demand a top-notch lab. It is also true that
accurately documenting positive energy gain or the nature of transmutation
products demands the best and most accurate equipment. It is also true that
other high-level scientists whose opinion matters (as to funding) are most
impressed when the work they are reading about comes from peer level labs,
like their own - if not from peers.


Having said that - my strong belief is that the real breakthrough in LENR,
which will be the quantum jump so to speak - the one that serves to push
LENR into commercial reality - will come not from the University or
well-equipped lab, but instead from someone operating in a garage-type of


By real breakthrough, I am referring to the situation where "serendipity
meets synergy" due to an inspired vision that is based on what has gone
before, but is totally off-the-wall in terms of the normal kind of
"incremental advance" that big-science likes to use as its prime motivator. 


It will probably not even originate from an attempt to use P&F type of LENR
principles at all. It will most likely be the discovery of an energy anomaly
which is later shoehorned back into LENR (or the hydrino) for explication of
the source of the anomaly. If you followed the iESi story, where the
reaction involved a hydraulic fluid - that is the "kind of" mash-up scenario
where a breakthrough can happen that is "commercializable". Even the Arata
situation could be modified into commercial breakthrough - say by combining
the key feature of it (nano-particles at the Forster radius) with another
"synergy not anticipated thus far" - such as the addition of RF, lasers or


Years ago, older vorticians may remember that Vince Cockeram almost made
such an paradigm shift. He witnessed a true runaway reaction that portended
the gigantic kind of breakthrough which will happen soon. Had he been better
funded to continue that work (and/or had air-conditioning in his work-shed)
he might have succeeded then .


. but IMHO the real breakthrough, when it arrives, will most likely arrive
from what can be called the "fringe-of-the-fringe" - and NOT from that
million dollar lab setting which is so good at making the incremental
advance or documenting the details. 


The big "enabler" here is the internet itself. to first disseminate info
from the big labs - and then to host the focused discussion (fringe) groups
that stimulate the imagination of the ""fringe-of-the-fringe" inventor


Long live the fringe.






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