On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Michel Jullian <michelj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure about electric cars though, unless the efficiency can be
> significantly improved, which I guess can be done by bringing the
> coils closer together (either the coil in the car or that in the floor
> could be mobile and automatically brought into close proximity of the
> other one before charging begins).

The Koreans claim:

"The Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) has developed a
revolutionary electric vehicle that neatly side-steps the looming
political/economic issue of scarcity of advanced battery materials, as
well as the practical limitations imposed by battery weight and life,
by dispensing with batteries altogether!   The OLEV (On Line Electric
Vehicle) draws power  from cables buried in the road-bed, differing
from existing electric train and bus technology in that the power is
transfered by magnetic induction without physical contact of any kind.
  KAIST claims to achieve 80% efficiency of power-transfer across a
1cm gap, and 60% efficiency across a 12cm gap!"



with their vehicle sans battery.


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