I searched the forums on this site,


(the search function is at top of page)and found this in 
the forum _Neutron - Radiation detection_ in a post from this year:

The quote for 8 detectors is....
8 x BD-PND @$135.00 = $1,080.00

Also, of interest is this paper by Richard Hull,


The Neutron Detecting Bubble Dosimeter for the Amateur

By Richard Hull


The use of the modern bubble detector for rough, quantitative, absolute
fast neutron counting due to classic fusion has freed the amateur
fusioneer from the absolute necessity of purchasing or constructing very
expensive electronic neutron counting systems.

The average amateur fusioneer is often faced with many doubting peers
and on-looking professionals as regards their success in producing
actual fusion or in proclaiming a specific amount of fusion based on
neutron counting.

The amateur who is without a proper neutron measuring system is at a
tremendous disadvantage and should not even be in the field.  Even if
armed with neutron sensitive instrumentation, a now confident amateur
can misread or misapply the instrument through simple ignorance,
convincing himself that he is doing fusion when he is not.

This paper will give an overview of the bubble dosimeter, a relatively
modern device, that will virtually allow any fusion experimenter to be
“proof” against recriminations from any critic who might decry their
successful work.  At the same instant, it will serve as a “wakeup call”
for experimenters who are, as their critics say, not doing fusion at
all.  This makes this device a classic double-edged sword, capable of
cutting both ways, shutting down would-be claimants as quickly as
shutting the mouths of self-styled critics.  Bubble detectors can, at
very little expense, serve as the final arbiter as to whether neutrons
are in the air or not.

 It will be seen that, given sufficiently measurable fusion, the bubble
detector suffers few drawbacks so often encountered with any number of
classic electronic neutron detection systems.

Finally, it will be shown how the neutron bubble detector can be used to
verify the general performance and operation of electronic neutron
counting systems in the presence of know EMP and other electrical
disturbances to which many such systems are sensitive.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:55 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Neutron Bubble detector

> What does one cost?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Veeder [mailto:hvee...@ncf.ca] 
> http://www.bubbletech.ca/radiation_detectors_files/bubble_detectors.html
> Bubble Detectors are the most sensitive, accurate, neutron dosimeters
> available. 

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