----- Original Message ----- From: "OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson" <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
To: "vortex-l" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Just how stupid is Al Gore, anyway?
First of all, Gore was way off base in his description of
the temperature of the Earth’s mantle. You have to drill
down almost two miles, before you get enough heat to create
steam (100 degrees Celsius).”


Regarding the second comment, what are reliable figures on tapping
into geothermal energy on an economical scale? Why I bring it up is
that we are now technologically capable of drilling miles deep for
oil, including from ocean floors of thousand feet deep, so... I haz to
ask myself, just how difficult would it be to tap geothermal energy if
a national program was started?
"Geothermal" can mean using the constant temperature of the earth a dozen feet down as a heat sink for heat pumps to heat and cool, reducing the electrical demand for both functions. It can also mean locating hot spots where one can drill to a reasonable depth and extract heat for domentic and industrial purposes. One of the oil/energy companies has placed some TV ads citing their efforts in that direction. It does not mean drilling down to the mantle in all cases. What you get is a bunch of localized but nominally continupus sources of energy, along with solar and wind, to satisfy the neergy appetite of the world.

Mike Carrell

Steven Vincent Johnson

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