(Gasp!)  Jed does not like sushi?!


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alexander Hollins wrote:
>> well, yes, early colonials in the americas ran into the same issue with
>> corn.  but thats not ALL plants.
> Yes, as I said, Wrangham makes it clear that some plants are fine to eat
> raw.
> As I said, some are more nutritious raw.
> Wrangham makes a strong case against eating raw meat, mainly because it is
> unsafe, and also difficult to masticate and probably not as nutritious. Some
> people pound it or grind it up to fix the mastication gap. Genghis Khan's
> troops put it under their saddles while pounding crossing the steppes. They
> ate it raw because they did not want to light fires and give away their
> positions. (Those people were really, really good at soldiering!) I don't
> think Wrangham mentioned raw fish (sushi and sashimi). I guess it is okay
> since it is so widely consumed in Japan. I don't like it, myself.
> - Jed

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