Corrected response follows (replacement of NAA with NA where appropriate):

On Dec 8, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Steven Krivit wrote:


Have you considered the possibility of "neutral entities" such as neutrons?


Yes, I have considered it.

Neutrons in the lattice can not be an explanation for the number of events required to produce even modest excess heat. Neutrons produce neutron activation, i.e. make some nuclei radioactive. If neutron activation were occurring in lattice material elements it would have been discovered long ago, because neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a commonly used and well developed technique. The gamma spectra and delayed gamma production decay curves are well known and used in delayed gamma NA. This information is used to sense trace amounts of elements.

Take a look at the sensitivity of NA for various elements in picograms (10^-12 g):

Consider the fact that the NA sensitive elements are not only present in trace amounts in CF electrodes or electrolytes, they are primary ingredients in some experiments, e.g. Ag, Cl, Cu, Na, Ca, K, Pt, Ti, S. Also present in large quantities are sometimes: W, Ta, Th, U, V, Mo, Pb. These things are readily detectable in microgram order quantities. No matter how slow the neutrons, it is not credible NA is not happening when fusion and heavy element transmutation clearly is happening. The gammas should light up geiger counters even long after electrolysis is over. Further, the spectra and decay curves would be readily identifiable as to origin. One of the mysteries of CF is why significant high energy radiation doesn't happen as a general rule.

Note that this is not to say that NA could not happen in certain environments, even from deflation fusion. It simply does not happen to a sufficient degree in typical CF experiments, so is not an explanation for the primary processes that produce the excess heat or heavy LENR that has been observed.

I think the energy deficit which occurs in CF reactions, necessary to depress some He* fission channels, and the dissipation of the reaction enthalpy via multiple low energy gammas, can only occur via a free electron in the nuclear mix at the moment of fusion. What I have proposed is a means for that happening which might be confirmed by looking for rare but detectable strange matter decays from CF cells. This means not only explains the above effects, it explains how the Coulomb barrier is overcome as well.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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