Great Job by Kitamura et all,

Their conclusion that the D(H)/Pd ratio and absorption energy is an
increasing function of fineness of the sample surface  was airtight based on
the calibrations and differential measurements they document. It confirms
many of the earlier reports by other researchers and gives us a comparative
table of related materials and granularity. It fits with the dimensions of
Mills' skeletal catalysts and Arata's Pd nano material. 




[Vo]:Kitamura paper uploaded

Jed Rothwell
Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:29:37 -0800


Kitamura, A., et al., Anomalous effects in charging of Pd powders with high
density hydrogen isotopes. Phys. Lett. A, 2009. 273(35): p. 3109-3112.

Prof. Kitamura went to a lot of trouble to get permission from the publisher
to allow a manuscript version of the paper at So let's give
it up for the professor and everyone should read this paper. It's important.
This plus Kidwell and Arata's own recent experiments make what I consider
and iron-clad case that the Arata effect is real. This could well be the
most important breakthrough since 1989 because it can be controlled and
scaled up, so it may lead to practical devices. 

- Jed


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