I have stayed away from the Steorn discussion, but I have now looked a Naudin's device and looked at the presentation on YouTube. I have also spent time with the Newumann machine cotroversy, and dug deeply into the Correa PAGD device and looked at the Testatika publications, including hearing a talk by a man who saw it operate. Along the way I have read extensively the works of Harold Aspden.

There is "something there" guys, and its whiskers, teeth, and claws occasionally peek out to tantalize and lot ob bright people. It is productive to ask qestionas about peripheral matters, looking for clues, but it is not productive to ask in a "gotcha" mode, thinking that one will expose a hidden trick.

Dr. Aspden is a former head of IBM's patent department in th UK, now retired. He has made a lifelong study of the aether [no not "zero-point"] arising from some graduate-school experiments with electromagnetism which gave anomalous results. I won't recap this, one can find it in his extensive wiritings. Point here is that some simple observations point to anomalous thermal and magnetic relationships which give the hope of 'free energy' by a clever machine.

In the YouTube presentation, a throwaway line disclosed that the "magnetic coils" in the Orb device are toroids with ferromagnetic cores; this is obvious in the Naudin setup. This is extremely unconventional in a motor. Small currents can saturate those cores, modulating the permeability of the magnetic circluit seen by the magnets in the rotors.

I have seen the PAGD device in operation and what I saw was consistent with the Correa claims for the device. The energy released in the dislcharge is much greater than that required to sustain the conditions for the discharge to occur. Correa used carefully calibrated batteries to absorb the energy lieu of capactors which would have to have been enormous to operate in the experiment.

Mike Carrell

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