On 01/31/2010 07:39 AM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> the sort of conspiracy theory I've come to associate with SR hating
>> crackpots who think physicists are all brainwashed fools.

> It's not necessary to be a "brainwashed fool" to be proved wrong. Or are
> you implying that intelligence and education are synonymous with
> infallibility?

I neither said nor implied any such thing.

Nor, on the other hand, do I take the consistency of SR on faith, as I,
and most mainstream scientists, have frequently been accused of doing,
as anyone who has spent any time reading the anti-SR rants on the
Internet should be well aware.  That's the general sort of crud I'm
referring to here, and which Krivit is getting close to claiming about
the cold fusion community, and that's the analogy I was drawing here.

> If you are implying that "all" of them can't be wrong at the same time,

Did I say that?

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