I wrote:

In my DetailOnly file it is reduced to this, with no abstract because I do not have the paper on file:

AU=Chubb, S. R.

Chubb, S.R., Resonant Electromagnetic Interaction in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions, in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook. 2008, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC. p. 99-123.


What I mean is, that's how I wrote the program that generates this list. The string you see here:

"Chubb, S.R., Resonant Electromagnetic Interaction in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions, in . . ."

. . . is cranked out by the EndNote program. The Pascal program I wrote transfers this to the file here:


And to the indexes here:


I could throw in the abstracts for papers I do not have in the Library, but I decided not to, in order to keep the DetailOnly.htm small.

I do not have abstracts for all papers. In some cases I have the Britz bibliography text; in other cases I have text written by Ed Storms, and in still other cases I got nothing -- bupkis, as they say in Yiddish-English.

In the LENR-CANR.org library indexes I use only the actual abstracts from the authors, where available, or I write a short description. I do not use text from Britz or Storms.

I am not inclined to change the formats of these files because readers do not use them much. Most papers are accessed via Google, I think from the Google search box on the main page, which is limited to LENR-CANR.org.

By the way, it is a cinch to add a Google search box to any web page. It takes 2 minutes. There are instructions at Google. They crank out the HTML for you. Just reset the default choice to your own page.

- Jed

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