the creators

National University of Singapore

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
> From: Jed Rothwell
> Ø  That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin
> conservation. I urge people to see it.
> … if it is authentic, it is splendid indeed.
> Ø  The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the
> collision. Fascinating!
> … that is the part that “almost” looks too contrived to me – to be accepted
> as true without a thorough investigation (at least to my thinking). There
> simply does not seem to be enough momentum in the initial colliding tori to
> carry forward and retain the spin structure for that kind of orthogonal
> change and transfer.
> It would be relatively easy to fake with computer graphics, if someone were
> so inclined … but I hate to even mention that possibility, since there is
> absolutely no apparent reason to believe that deception was involved – other
> than there are plenty of geeks who would delight in the challenge.
> Jones

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