Using C nanotubes:


"A previously unknown phenomenon

In the new experiments, each of these electrically and thermally
conductive nanotubes was coated with a layer of a reactive fuel that
can produce heat by decomposing. This fuel was then ignited at one end
of the nanotube using either a laser beam or a high-voltage spark, and
the result was a fast-moving thermal wave traveling along the length
of the carbon nanotube like a flame speeding along the length of a lit
fuse. Heat from the fuel goes into the nanotube, where it travels
thousands of times faster than in the fuel itself.  As the heat feeds
back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided
along the nanotube. With a temperature of 3,000 kelvins, this ring of
heat speeds along the tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread
of this chemical reaction. The heating produced by that combustion, it
turns out, also pushes electrons along the tube, creating a
substantial electrical current. "


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