>From Frank


> The Alien Scientist and I have been spoofed. I made a few more phone 

> calls to get to the bottom of this mess and I found out more. The Alien 

> Scientist and I have an upbeat message of hope. This message is grounded 

> to the conservation laws and mathematics. We have shown the way 

> to progress to a type one civilization. We are really doing it.


> Now why would bad actors with torture on their site want to include our

> message. It does not fit. I am so naïve about bad stuff that I had no 

> clue. Here is what I found out. Google and the other search engines have

> already blocked these sites. They are looking for a back way in. They

> have a program that shows the Alien Scientist and I have over 50,000 hits.

> They pretend they our us and our hits are transferred to them.


> As I looked at this site with my message and pictures on it along with

> those of that poor girl, I got very depressed. Right now I can't move

> because I have become overcome with sadness. I feel like just giving up.


> Frank Znidarsic


Hi Frank


While this particular spoofing incident might make you feel naive or
clueless about how other organizations hijacked your work for their own
personal gain; while it also depressed you to the point of right now feeling
like giving up, I would hope that eventually you'll allow yourself to just
get mad about the whole affair. They took advantage of the popularity of
your work. Being taken advantage in such a manner would piss me off. It
would make me want to fight back. Get even. More on that later.


Regarding feeling clueless, don't gloss over the fact that when you
investigated the site, you're inner sensibilities immediately kicked in. A
warning light immediately lit up inside you. It triggered what I would
describe as a boy scout-like sense of honor & duty – of honest concern. (I
bet you even earned your eagle badge! I never made it through cub scouts,
but that's another sordid affair. ;-) )


While I initially joked about what I saw, like most here I'm all-too aware
of the tragic fact that the majority of “employees” (not employers!) who
work in the porn industry would most likely prefer to be employed in another
line of work, if only the socioeconomic conditions were favorable towards
better paying jobs – or for that matter ANY normal 9-5 job. In some places
there simply are no jobs at all. It forces women (and men) to take up some
variation of "the oldest profession" as the only viable means available to
support themselves.


You (and Alien Scientist) are working to transform our global society into a
type one civilization, [The harnessing all of the power available on a
single planet]. Don't let a group of visionless self-serving bastards derail
you in regards to your life's work. Do what you do best. Continue refining
your research and your theories. Collect verifiable experimental evidence.
Get the word out. Continue to publish! And then, possibly someday not too
far in the future as the world finally begins to take notice of new clean
sources of energy, when the world starts harnessing those new sources of
energy, the consequences will automatically lift the socioeconomic
conditions of everyone so that no one will ever again be forced to chose a
line of work that was specifically meant to do nothing more than degrade


That's getting even.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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