
Thanks for pointing me to the analysis work of Mathis. At present, I
don't know if I can make practical use of his mathematical findings or
not. It's probably going to make my brain hurt for quite a spell while
attempting to get the gist of it all.

To clarify what I have been doing: For several years now I have been
researching what I have assumed is probably considered by most an
uninteresting aspect of Newtonian based Celestial Mechanics, (CM).
More to the point, I have focused primarily on computational feed-back
loops where chaos is introduced into the solution. I've been plotting
the "chaotic" results for some time now. No doubt, much of this work
is related to emergent behavior, fractals, and what-not. It would not
surprise me if some of Wolfram's work may have occasionally touched on
what I have been studying. (Mike Carroll brought Worlfram's work to my
attention.) Serendipitously, I recently discovered that Wolfram used
his Mathematica software to study the characteristics of the empty
foci belonging to a classic elliptical shaped satellite/planetary
orbit. I was gratified to discover that the results Wolfram's
Mathematica produced seemed to mirror some of my own independently
researched findings.

I have assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the specific CM branch I'm
studying (the chaotic aspect) is probably considered uninteresting and
not of much practical value to most scientists & researchers. I assume
so because of the fact that when it comes to accurately plotting the
orbits of celestial bodies like planets, moons, and satellites the
last thing one wants to do is introduce the effects of chaos into the
algorithm! For obvious reasons the effects of chaos must be kept at a
minimum in order to accurately plot a future position of a celestial
body. This is accomplished by making sure the computational iterative
samples one feeds into the algorithm are sufficiently small, from
plotted point to the next plotted point. Things can quickly get
squirrely as one's "satellite" approaches the main attractor body, and
the plotted point-to-point positions increase in distance from each
other geometrically.

But there by the Grace of God go I. I've discovered that within the
unpredictable realms of chaos a wealth of strange and weird-like
behavior is worth exploring. At the razor's edge, where the boundary
between Order and Chaos meet, I find tantalizing behavior. My chaotic
research continues. I hope to eventually put some of my findings out
on the net. Much more work needs to be done... It's daunting.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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