Dont forget the MKULTRA dolphins 

iPoni sent dis message. Esa Ruoho wrote it. 

On 24.9.2010, at 4.20, Lawrence de Bivort <> 

> Damn. You are right. back to the drawing board.
> On Sep 23, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
>> doesnt sound plausible. where's yellowstone supervolcano, missing 
>> suitcase-nukes and ye olde pulse..
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Lawrence de Bivort 
>> <> wrote:
>> You guys have it all wrong.
>> The Iranian arsenal consists not only of the aforementioned nukes but about 
>> 85% of Saddam Hussein's WMD stash. These will be delivered via secret 
>> faith-powered gravity tunnels that now link Iran and Tel Aviv  (the Gaza 
>> "tunnels" are just a cover for this construction) and exploded under Tel 
>> Aviv on the Day of Judgment.  Meanwhile, Israelis have caught wind of this 
>> and are beginning to evacuate to, of all places, Berlin.  (See: 
>>,7340,L-3953354,00.html for the AP article 
>> on this, originally published in the Jerusalem Post.)  Meanwhile, the CIA is 
>> increasingly worried about the Israeli nuke arsenal where there may be as 
>> many as 120 "missing" bombs.
>> On Sep 23, 2010, at 8:26 AM, peatbog wrote:
>>> That is nothing. I heard that Iran has a fleet of satellites, each
>>> one containing 50 multi-megaton hydrogen bombs with advanced
>>> late-nazi guidance systems ready to be dropped on the various
>>> Great Satans and waiting only for the head mullah to give the
>>> word as soon as he gets permission from the Israeli Knesset.

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