I just spent an hour researching what someone on this list probably already 
knows how to do - I want to make a real cheap and simple method to pump a small 
quantity of h2  @ STP back and forth through a reactor. I intend to fill 2 
sections of hose both connected to a small reactor tube with water and then 
stopper one end, stand up the stoppered end and stick the hydrogen producing 
electrode of an electrolysis pair into the submerged end until all the water is 
displaced by hydrogen. I  then want to connect both end to two water filled U 
traps so I have the H2 hoses and reactor "trapped" between the U traps meaning 
I have water seals on both ends. The question is in the next step  - assuming 
each trap has a vertical portion to vary the water column.. what is the easiest 
method to create a push pull where one  trap goes down while the other goes up 
to draw the gas back and forth through the reactor? I was thinking a rube 
Goldberg arrangement with a little motorized balance beam raising a reservoir 
on  1 arm while lowering  the reservoir on the opposite arm.  This limited 
amount of H2 would reduce safety concerns and yet produces an  "endless" stream 
of hydrogen passing through the reactor.
Any suggestions?

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