Anyone care to critique the following STORN/ORBO analysis assembled by
a blogger named "quantumdarkness19" who seems to be asking a simple
but straightforward question:


"quantumdarkness19" asks at the top of his web site:

> I would like for someone to meaningfully explain what
> it is that I'm seeing, because everything I know tells
> me that this is impossible.....and yet there it is. I
> may not be an engineer, but I'm sincerely learning. I
> may come off as a arguementative or a debator, but I've
> learned that "the purpose of debate is not win, but to
> educate".

What particularly caught my eye was the torque profile measurements
displayed about a third of the way down the link. (See figs 4 & 5) The
claim is that: "...the torque profile was not conservative in that the
"up" torque had a greater magnitude than that of the "down" torque. "

Indeed, the torque chart (fig. 4), followed by the Kinetic Energy
Profile chart (fig. 5), caught my eye. In my own analysis, whenever
I've performed 2D static torque measurements with permanent magnets
using FEMM software, one can easily observe the fact that torque
measurements always seem, at first glance, to be asymmetrical. The
observed asymmetry is presumably due to what is called domain flipping
occurring on the atomic scale when forcing two like poles together.
This tends to be a deceptive observation however. While the "up"
torque may indeed appear higher than the "down" torque, the "down"
torque tends to be spread out over a larger area. IOW, if one were to
carefully add-up, or accumulate the amount of area in the "up" torque
and compare it with the amount of area displayed in the "down" torque
the values tend to cancel each other out. It would seem that the laws
of conservation have not been violated.

However, in the case of these alleged ORBO charts displayed at
"quantumdarkness19"s web site, there doesn't seem to be the expected
energy balance in regards to the laws of conservation. IOW, while the
"up" torque is indeed higher than the "down" torque, the area in the
"down" torque doesn't seem to have been spread out over a larger area.
This implies an asymmetry has been detected and measured. Apparently,
that's what the "Kinetic Energy Profile" (fig.5) claims.

Anyone from the Vort Collective care to comment on this alleged
anomalous asymmetry?

Terry? Abd?

I'm curious. Mongo curious, too.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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