On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> I should mention that Don Hotson has had a look, and is not enthusiastic
> about Lochak. His first take on this paper was to consider Lochak's theory
> to be a “giant step backwards”, since Don’s interpretation of Dirac calls
> for basically “no photons”.


you ever considered the relationship between Ken Shoulders charge clusters
and Hotson's explanation of the masses of the proton and neutron?

I consider the epo to be a rotation of mirror particles between the - & +
universes with the transition occurring near the breast of the candle


(1 min. 12 sec)

Could the energy of the referenced foxnews article clip the rotation
sequence at the breast and create charge clusters of positrons.

Elohim!  I love speculations!

(And merlot)


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