Hi Fran,


Yeah, I saw GoatGuy's opus as well. It seems to me that a common tactic
debunkers use is to relentlessly ram their POV directly at what they
envision to be a captive audience. The objective seems to be to intimidate
rivals to such an extent that they are forced to retreat while covering
their bruised rears from additional "bullsont" ramming. From a
sociobiological POV it's like observing a male goat advertise the
availability of "bullsnot" genes to prospective females. The advertising is
performed by repeated intellectual ramming of rival POVs, aka other
prospective male goats who may also be in the market, but I dunno. I can
only hope that most females who may be in the market find the prospect of
purchasing "bullshot" genes to be questionable family planning strategy.




But perhaps I'm being a little hypocritical myself here. ;-)



On a more serious note, Fran, can you clarify a two items. For example, you


> We have been told these forces are chaotic and can not be rectified

> because they are so localized as to be physically unmanageable - 

> and it is THIS rule that is being broken..


I gather what is being implied here is that entropy (entropy manifested
close to the quantum mechanical scale?) is somehow being mysteriously
REorganized back into a coherent and useable force. How much evidence is
there to support this controversial POV?




> Mill's calls them hydrinos but I think Jan Naudts nailed it when

> he suggested hydrinos are actually relativistic hydrogen.


Can you elaborate a little more about what "relativistic hydrogen" entails,
and why it might help explain what is presumed to be excessive heat. (I
don't know what "relativistic hydrogen" means.)




Steven Vincent Johnson



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