You could be right, and my-bad for passing on rumor . unless, that is, this
is one of the papers which caused a falling-out, which continues to the
present. Was Piantelli present?


For instance, it appears the Italians were in the habit of listing
co-authors alphabetically, to wit:



and S. VERONESI(2)



Whereas, one of the five - might have - at some later date - considered
himself to have been the lead investigator, but realizing that he is not
getting the credit he deserves. Who knows?


BTW a close look at this paper and the ones cited prior to it shows that
energetic nickel-hydride has been around a long time - and that the major
advance which pushed it over the top in recent years - is probably the
emergence of "nano" .


Randell Mills, in contrast - chose a commonly available form of nickel early
on - Raney nickel - which since the 1920s was made in such a way (leaching
out aluminum from an alloy) that it was already "nano" in an inverse sense .
and therefore Mills had a form of "nanopowder" a decade ahead of the others.


. what a tangled web this may turn out to be .


From: Jed Rothwell 


4)    As I understand the personal situation, Piantelli is a bitter enemy of
Focardi, going back to the early nineties 


*  They co-authored a paper in 1994, so I doubt they were bitter enemies
then. See:


- Jed


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