On 01/14/2011 05:04 AM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
> A demolishing criticism
> <http://scientopia.org/blogs/goodmath/2010/11/16/grandiose-crackpottery-proves-pi4/>
> of Miles Mathis, particularly on his paper about Pi being 4
> <http://milesmathis.com/pi.html> (among many other things, Miles shows
> that Pi equals four, with an elegant(and wrong) "proof", which
> basically boils down to this
> <http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbxrvcK4pk1qbylvso1_400.png>)

Nice, and that last link's a very cute proof, and nice illustration of
what arc-length /doesn't/ mean, as well as being an example of an
unexpected encounter with a fractal.

Here's another, vaguely related "one-page-puzzle" (uses the same goofy
grinning head, otherwise unrelated):


It's so totally crude, so silly, and yet ... so hard to see why it won't

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