Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

4) I read a comment on another forum claiming that in one of your cells after six months of operation the remaining nickel powder was 30% copper. Can you confirm this?

Andrea Rossi
January 20th, 2011 at 10:14 AM <>
Mr William:
4- No

Further message from "William", apparently in response to this denial . . .

I saw no further response from Rossi on this, and I don't know what the "other forum" in which his original comment appeared might have been. Google didn't turn it up for me. Make if this what you will; it's certainly not unambiguous -- looks kind of like an assertion followed by a retraction, but other interpretations are possible.

I take that to mean "No, I cannot confirm that." Meaning "I cannot confirm or deny; that's a secret." As I said, he makes no bones about the fact that he keeps secrets.

It could also be confusion because of language problems.

Or maybe he is contradicting himself . . .

- Jed

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