Rossi used this electronic device for electronic measurement (as was
reported) - model  HD37AB1347.   Relative Humidity probe model HP474AC
was attached to it.
Page three of this link (thanks to Horace) shows details of that probe
connected to the electronic device.  HP474AC has the following
HP474AC Relative Humiditiy Probe specifications:
5% to 98% RH >>>  -40C to 150 C
+/- 2.5% (5%...95%RH)
Temp +/-0.3C
This probe does not measure the amount of liquid water droplets in the
"steam" (ie. mass fraction of water vapor to to total water).  It measures
Relative Humidity (Relative Humidity measures how saturated the air is for a
given temperature).
What we want is a a device that measures "quality" of the steam.  For
reference, 100% quality = 100% vapor.
How did they confirm that the water vapor was truly vapor?  A visual
description would go a long way.
As was calculated in a previous email (and shown below), at a hose  diameter
of .44" (1 cm^2), the velocity of the water vapor should be 198 mph. At .63"
inner diameter (2 cm^2)  for the hose, the water vapor will be exiting at 94
mph.  Also the vapor should be transparent as it leaves the hose until it
starts to condense in the air.  I read that the steam was vented outside the
room.  What did it look like in terms of volume and transparentness?
I tend to believe that Rossi is legitimate (from what I hear on the
grapevine).  But we have to have our facts straight when it comes to listing
devices that measure relative humidity and saying they measure the quality
of the steam.  I'm open to the possibility that this probe can measure
quality of the steam in some undocumented manner, but let's hear how that is
done. The documentation does not say it.

from a previous email, below are the assumptions used to calculate the vapor

Jeff D. wrote:
The calculations of the steam velocity below translates to a 188 mph jet of
steam coming out of a hose having an area of 1 cm^2  (equates to a 1.13 cm
inner diameter hose or .44" inner diameter)
Double the area of the hose and the velocity will drop by a factor of 2 to
94 mph.
Jones Beene wrote:
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
Here are some calculations that imply certain water/humidity effects which
should have been observed at the demo.
This is from an associate LENR researcher - Jeff Morriss, in response to the
other issues on steam/vapor raised by Jeff Driscoll and Peter van Noorden,
which so far do not have convincing answers.

Jeff M. wrote:
Nagel states that 150 grams of water are boiled every 30 sec, or 5 cc/sec.
Taking the density of steam at 100C as .590 Kg/m**3 and ratio-ing it against
the density of liquid water as 1000 kG/m**3 yields a volume increase of
1690. So each 5 cc of water is converted into 8450 cc of steam every second.
If we estimate the area of the vent hose at ~1 cm**2, then the steam
velocity must be 8450 cm/sec of 84.5 m/sec. This is about 1/4 the speed of
sound and should produce quite a jet of steam. Did anyone observe this?
Also, the steam would condense and quickly produce a saturated atmosphere
and condensation on metal surfaces. Again, did anyone observe this?

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