Kettle drum roll please...

Thus sprached Dr. Park:

...and the verdict is:

<nothing> ... again.

Jed, personally, I find Dr. Park's continued silence to be noteworthy news
in itself, even if it is by all accounts minor news. I have been under the
impression that the good doctor rarely keeps his personal opinions in check
concerning prior claims of this nature - of the extraordinary kind. So, why
is he suddenly playing his cagey card now?

It gives me the impression that Park has deliberately "parked" himself on
the sidelines in order to determine (as discretely as he can) who the winner
of this little drama might eventually turn out to be. If that is Park's
personal strategy, it seems likely to me that the good doctor may have an
excruciatingly long and frustrating wait ahead of him, just like the rest of
us who reside in the honorable peanut gallery section. 

And then, when the verdict finally comes in he'll come out with both guns
a-blazing. ...on the winning side of course, proclaiming the fact that he
knew all along what the obvious outcome was going to be.

Steven Vincent Johnson 

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