I have been in this path of understanding for quite some time now. I agree with 
your statement and I too, am waiting for the "scientific world" to wake up to 
this understanding. 
Thank you for your post. I am going to forward it to another research group who 
specializes in monoatomic energy and ZPE. 
Thank you

From: Jones Beene <>
Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 2:19:22 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Does the diproton solve the neutrino problem?

Resend: vortexapparentlylost the original post.
Until 1939, nobody knew how fusion might proceed in the sun because the most 
obvious reaction in dense hydrogen plasmas would be two protons going to 
helium-2, which as it turns out would be unstable due to Pauli exclusion - thus 
immediately dissociating back to protons. That is when Hans Bethe proposed that 
one of the two protons periodically decays to a neutron in that short time span 
– transmuting to deuterium, which is far more stable. This decay by a positron 
is extraordinarily rare, but serves to limit a runaway PP chain reaction–and 
rate comesto close to the known energy release level, which can be calculated 

This work in solar nucleosynthesis won the Nobel Prize for Hans, but it led to 
number of difficult issues – involving what became known as the solar neutrino 
problem.Currently, the solar neutrino problem is assumed to havebeen solved by 
revised “understanding”of the properties of neutrinos– called oscillation.
This ‘fix’ has itself been considered by some to be completely inadequate, due 
to conflicting experimental results. Experiments which should provide the best 
results for oscillation, like theMiniBooNE in 2007,end 
upcontradictingpriorfindings.In short – oscillation may not have solved the 
problem after all. If not, we are back to square one.And according to the 
Standard Model, the three different kinds of neutrinos:electron,muon,and 
taualways presented a huge glossed-over “mass problem” if oscillation does 
happen, in that the mass difference between the three suggested the conversion 
of energy to mass at an unprecedented scale but with no indicia. 

Let’s leave that for another day and return to the transitory helium isotope 
known as the “diproton” for an alternative explanation which address the 
neutrino deficit from the perspective ofanother reaction. IOW there is a second 
gainful energy release which is notnecessarilyfusion, and it does 
notnecessarilyoccur in the solar core. But it is not Millsean‘shrinkage’either.
First – the obvious: there is no deficit to explain when there is energy 
production equal to about half the known solar heat output, but coming from the 
solar corona, if the kind of reaction does not produce neutrinos. That is 
a “duh-moment” but is never mentioned in polite company, since it makes 
a tad uncomfortable to suggest that something like hydrinos or even worse: ZPE 
could provide about half the solarthermaloutput - yet without knownnuclear 
fusionreactions. Heresy!
You can see how the suggestion of ZPE would not just rock the boat, but rock 
world of solar astronomy to its core. Still, ask you self how crankythisis,in 
comparison with an “oscillation model” that suggests massive changes in 
mass-energy of neutrinos, yet with no apparent side effects !
Next, in this simplified summary of the argument, we consider the solar corona 
and monatomic hydrogen as the solution to the problem. We know that the corona 
is far hotter than the interior of the sun, and the emission lines show that 
much of it is monatomic hydrogen, oscillating between plasma and monatomic 
states. No one can adequately explain why the corona is orders of magnitude 
hotter,especiallyif there is no basic energy production happeningthere!
Clearly, the standard model does not allow for gainful energy reactions in the 
corona. Randell Mills claimed to have solved the neutrino problem by suggesting 
that theneutrinodeficit can be explained by non-nuclear (hydrino) reactions. 
model has been neglected and ignored - but when considered closely by the few 
who will listen,itsuffersfatallyfrom what he did not explain– why the reaction 
would not be complete reversible in energybalance, and thus net neutral, due to 
the intense gamma radiation instigating ‘reinflation’. 

Geeze, that is why we call them ‘ground states’, Randy! In the end, hydrinos 
probably not the correct answer because the reaction would be nearly net 
neutral. BUT we must then ask: is there another ‘corona model’ to step-in where 
Mills’ hydrino has failed?
Maybe. Thisisthe diproton QBEC model for creation of a transitoryhelium nucleus 
consisting of two protons and no neutronswhich immediately decays BUT 
net energy into the corona via ZPE.Whoa! You can hear the response from the 
mainstream already: Not the dreaded ZPE again!
Diprotons are not stable due to spin-spin interactions and the Pauli exclusion 
principle, which forces the two protons to have anti-aligned spins and gives 
diproton a negative binding energy.Thus they release net energy if they were 
able touse ZPE toformthetransitory diproton first,since continuation to 
fusionthat cannot happen astwofermions. However,apredecessorstatemight happen 
a composite boson.
A solution to all of this is monatomic hydrogen asseen asa composite boson, and 
the QBEC state. The quasi-BEC is a transitory state at high heat and high 
pressure, and it is purely statistical - resting on the rare random alignment 
all energy states of two adjacent composite bosons. Single H has integer spin, 
and alignment of other states would be extremely rare, but probably not as rare 
as Bethe positron decay, in the final accounting. There could be a tiny 
statistical window for it, even at elevated temperature, due to monatomic 
hydrogen being the simplest of all composite bosons, and quantum entanglement 
providing semi-coherency to begin with. After all, the magnetic field in the 
corona is already aligning spin.
In the solar corona, not the core - there would be net energy production that 
would completely solve the neutrino problem, since the reaction happens as a 
composite boson with immediate decay and no positron, andat a higher ratewith 
real fusion. The energy releasedhasbeen harvested from the zero point field, 
andthen supplements longer lasting fusionheat fromthe solar interior-to explain 
the lack of neutrinos(as inherent to two separate processes of approximately 
equal thermal output). 

OK – this is a very “green” hypothesis so far, in more ways than one, 
admittedly, since it relates back to an earthbound model - and certainly 
thisspeculationmight be shot down by this afternoon. But as always, that is 
we are here for. Lock and load.


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