from    Rich Murray <>
regsoft <>,
Rich Murray <>,
Rich Murray <>,
"Sterling D. Allen" <>,
michael barron <>,,,
date    Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 1:01 PM
subject Re: [H-Ni_Fusion] Re: failures of H-Ni cold fusion tests with
water cooling -- possible heat and O2 and H2 release via electrolysis
by up to 220 V AC from shorts and deposited metals with danger of
shocks and explosions: Rich Murray 2011.02.05
1:01 PM (23 minutes ago)

Thanks for frank, terse comments -- I hadn't considered the 80 bar H2
pressure in the Jan. 14 demo -- that could well have stressed the
cooling tube, the heater resisters, and the Ni rods, especially with
up to 1000 C temperatures -- steam can diffuse against the high
temperature and pressure gradients and so enter cracks to electrolyze
into H2 and O2 to contribute to complex electrically conducting
chemistry, using the plentiful Ni, Cu, Cr, Fe (stainless steel) and
other impurity metals, perhaps even carbon and silicon -- who knows
without detailed investigations?

If conducting paths start to open up within the cell from the heater
electric power input, they will evolved and expand complexly.  The H2
that Rossi thinks is being absorbed into the Ni nanopowder may in part
be leaking into the coolant water output, while in the cell forming
complex chemical particles and films, and dissolved compounds
(including gases) -- an extremely messy experiment...

Rossi hasn't so far provided any details about his explosions...

What happens in your experiments?


On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 10:40 AM, regsoft <> wrote:

It is always good to see an unbiased / sincere post on LENR. With such
a lengthy ramble I will only respond to your obviously irrelevant
concerns over H2O at 0 PSIG leaking into a cell pressurized to over
1000 PSIG with hydrogen.

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