I've uploaded tons of video clips so it's a bid daunting. You Tube is still
processing them. I haven't had time to organize them.


For a quick view of inside the capital I would recommend the following











Steven Vincent Johnson






From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 9:39 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees
Continue Protesting. State Senators AWOL


I forgot to post my You Tube channel account:


I have downloaded countless videos of the capital protests from Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday. 


I plan on attending Friday's demonstrations as well.


Crowds have gotten bigger each day. Tens and thousands are now marching.


Check out:



The outcome is still frighteningly uncertain. In the end, we may still lose
the vote. We may still lose the right to bargain collectively. But we
organized with only a day's notice. Within a day we organized and started
fighting back. And some are now finally beginning to listen to what the real
issues are.


PS: Power to Rossi. and Mills too. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson







From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:26 PM
To: Vortex
Subject: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees Continue
Protesting. State Senators AWOL


The city of Madison, and the rest of the state of Wisconsin is experiencing
something akin to its own Cairo, Egypt, moment. It's happening right now.




It is now day three of messy, raunchy, ear splitting loud, state-wide
protesting. Peaceful pandemonium has been unleashed out on the streets and
within the state capital building. It's also known as democracy. Private
unions of all walks have gathered to protest in unison against republican
governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill". Teachers who called in sick
brought students to the state capital to show them how democracy works, such
as when an unjust bill attempts to ram something through legislature without
any discussion on the matter, from the very individuals who would be most
affected by the changes. It's a "repair bill" which includes provisions
which would strip public employees of the right to bargain collectively, a
right that has been in place for fifty years. If the bill passes as-is it
would essentially reverse fifty years of the right to sit down at a
bargaining table and negotiate terms.


The state of Wisconsin (and some other states) are experiencing so much
turmoil that it is finally getting national coverage. Everybody has been
heading to our state capital to protest against the plan to do away with the
right to bargain collectively. I haven't seen this caliber of political
protesting erupt onto the streets and into the state capital since the
1960s. I never thought I'd see this amount of protesting again in my life
time. Where are my bell bottom pants, my flower shirts and love beads when I
need them.


Today, Thursday, was the day when the Wisconsin state senators were to be in
session. Senators, democratic & republican were to vote yes or no to Scott
Walker's bill, as-is. I suspect many protestors felt like it was a hopeless
situation. Everyone knew that the republican dominated legislature had
enough votes to get their way - to remove collective bargaining. But that
didn't stop protesters and the sympathetic from filling the capital building
for the past three days straight. The halls have been filed with endless
shouts and chanting - noise that never stopped. The building was packed with
those wishing to have their voice heard.


Suddenly, the unexpected happened. I was in the capital building video
recording events when an even louder uproar reverberated through the halls
of the capital building. We were informed of the fact that 16 Wisconsin
state senators -- 14 who were Democrats (two that weren't) failed to show up
to vote on the republican rammed bill. Sixteen State senators revolted. They
went AWOL. They essentially stated they would NOT VOTE on the provisions of
the bill as-as. They were conspicuously absent because the "repair bill"
included the provision to destroy the right to bargain collectively. The
provision has absolutely nothing to do with repairing the state deficit, and
that's what most of the protesting is all about. Incredulously, republicans
who continue to back the bill as-is continue to claim that the protesting is
simply about the lack of money that won't be doled out. They continue to
side-step the real issue, what the protesting is really all about.


Incidentally, from the Wheeler Report, here are a couple of statements from
the AWOL senators. This one from Senator Taylor:





Please note that the location the letter had been sent from is currently:


... and another official statement from "missing" senator, Senator Jauch:





We suspect a few of these rogue senators may be hiding out in a neighboring
state, Illinois, right now - maybe Rockford. They left the borders of
Wisconsin so that they can't be picked up by state troopers (which Scott
Walker threatened to do) and forcefully brought back to senate floor to
complete the vote.


We are hoping that enough of the remaining republican senate members (a few
which we have been told might be waffling just a little) will finally get
the idea that perhaps this notion of destroying a fifty year tradition
pertaining to the right to bargain collectively may not be such a good idea
after all. Maybe they will finally begin to wonder: What does removing the
right to bargain collectively have to do with repairing the state budget.
All that public employees are asking for is the right to sit at the
negotiation table, just like we always have done for the past 50 years.


Final Comment:


As previously mentioned, the reason I have posted this seemingly "off topic"
message here is the fact that it is not entirely off topic as one might
think.  I doubt we'd all be in as bad a mess we are currently experiencing
if it wasn't for the fact that Wall Street hired had some very naughty white
collar hoodlums who stole from the till, plus the fact that so much cash is
constantly hemorrhaging out of the country in order to feed our addiction
for oil. Cheaper energy bills would go a long way in eventually repairing
just about everyone's budget, including state budgets.





Steven Vincent Johnson



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