--- On Wed, 3/2/11, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Financial Warfare
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 11:12 AM
> Michael Foster wrote:
> > You don't have to be a genius to figure out who the
> terrorist was who pulled this off. He made a full
> confession:
> > 
> > "...the world financial crisis is the culmination of
> my life's work."
> > -George Soros
> Beware of taking statements out of context.
> Suppose cold fusion succeeds, and in 20 years the oil
> companies file for bankruptcy, and Saudi Arabia is a basket
> case, applying for food aid. In that scenario, if a member
> of the press were to interview me, I might well say "in a
> way the world fossil fuel crisis is the culmination of my
> life's work." (By the way, you left out "In a way . . .")
> What would I mean by that? I would mean that the crisis in
> fossil fuels -- the collapse of corporations, nations and
> the loss of millions of jobs -- is overall a good thing. It
> is desirable. It will avert much worse outcomes, such as
> massive global warming, and the death of 2 million people
> every year for lack of energy.
> That is the sort of thing George Soros had in mind. He
> feels that the crisis, bad as it was, averted a much worse
> outcome.
> You are also overlooking something obvious. If Soros really
> meant that he is rejoicing over people's problems, or he
> wants to destroy the country, he WOULD NOT ADMIT THAT to the
> press!!
> After Pearl Harbor, as U.S. Admiral said it was God's mercy
> that the fleet was caught unprepared in the harbor. Taking
> that statement alone, out of context, you might imagine this
> Admiral was a traitor. If you know something about Naval
> history,  U.S. preparedness and other factors, you will
> realize that he meant that if the U.S. had known the
> Japanese were coming, and dispatched the fleet to stop them,
> all of those ships plus the aircraft carriers would probably
> have been sunk hundreds of miles shore with far greater
> casualties.
> - Jed
This is from interview by an Austrian TV station that Soros felt would probably 
not be noticed in the U.S.  The context is even worse. Check it out.  Remember 
that this is a man who has called himself God.  I think he has been feeling his 
oats ever since he more or less gutted the Bank of England, apparently backed 
financially by the Soviet Union. But he (ahem) kept the profits.

Incidentally, Saint Franklin Roosevelt and General George C. Marshall knew full 
well that the Japanese would attack as they had been goaded into it. Such was 
the discussion in contemporary newspapers.  General Short and Admiral Kimmel 
were appointed shortly before this debacle and no one seemed to know why.  
Clearly they were put there as whipping boys, so someone could be blamed when 
the Japanese attacked. They were unfairly charged with dereliction of duty, 
only exonerated fairly recently. And, my oh my, wasn't it lucky, just so lucky, 
that all the aircraft carriers were "out on maneuvers" all at once, something 
that had never happened before.

Oops, I have wandered far from the subject. Please forgive me.



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