<mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> >> Yup. But I started writing that text before I learned that. Besides a 10
> x
> >> 10 array is easy to envision, whereas . . . 17 x 17?
> I think that if you put two devices in series you already get superheated
> steam,
> so more than that is likely overkill. In short I would expect the array to
> be
> more like 150 x 2, or perhaps 100 X 3, but I certainly wouldn't expect it
> to be
> a square array.

I would not put them in series. You don't want steam or superheated water
flowing by the last on in line. I would put several pipes in parallel
through the engine block with water going through all of them. This is how
steam locomotive and marine engine boilers worked, either with fire tubes or
water tubes.

With a 10 x 10 array, the water would flow past at most 10 cells. I do not
think you would want it to flow past 100 cells.

- Jed

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