On 2011-04-10 19:11, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I have never looked at a Facebook page before. It seems chaotic, no
better than Rossi's blog.

What is it with modern programmers that they cannot organize and
categorize information? I think they depend too much on search tools
such as Google.

I don't use Facebook either.

However, that is not much more than an "unofficial Rossi E-Cat fans' page", as far as I can see. Other Facebook groups about other topics have a similar layout, which means that it probably can't be improved (although the content could). At least it can help raise public awareness about Rossi's invention.

On the other hand, Rossi's JONP blog, which is based on the WordPress CMS (Content Management System, a kind of software infrastructure for building websites), could be extensively improved in accessibility, looks and functionality with existing free plug-ins/addons, so little to minimal programming skills would be required. There are many websites based on WordPress that look nice and are well organized.

Maybe this is currently not Rossi's top priority, though.


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