I am not saying he should give away all the information.

For his sake, he should not.

But it might be better for the world if the information did leak out.

I would not at all be upset if his lawyers told him to stop talking because he 
was risking his IP. That is their job.

However, for a member of the cold fusion community to say something to him that 
would make him stop sharing info would make me furious. Because it could end up 
"hurting" the world. We need this technology, ASAP. It needs to be replicated, 
ASAP. I totally understand his need not to give away the technology. But from 
another point of view the world needs it badly (billions of people vs. Rossi) 
and I think people should think about that before warning him.

From: Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, April 12, 2011 8:09:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi addresses Ni enrichment issue

noone noone <thesteornpa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Who do you think alerted him?

He does not need to be alerted. He is an experienced businessman. No one makes 
dime in business if he gives away his technical knowledge and trade secrets for 


>I hope no one went up to him and told him to stop sharing information.
>It would make sense if his patent lawyers did so, but if a member of the cold 
>fusion community did so I would be furious.

First, Rossi does not need anyone to warn him. He knows that perfectly well.

Second, why would you be furious? That makes no sense. Why shouldn't I or 
someone else advise Rossi that he is endangering his own intellectual property. 
If you had intellectual property worth billions of dollars, I suppose you would 
appreciate it if people warned you that you might lose it by saying too much. 
You would be thankful.

If you left your car door open with your wallet on the front seat, I assume you 
would appreciate it if I warned you.

Rossi should work day and night for 20 years, and risked all of his personal 
fortune. You seem to be saying that he should now give away the fruits of his 
labor for nothing, and if he starts to give it away inadvertently, we should be 
"furious" if someone warns him.

- Jed

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