        I agree with most of what you are saying even that we still "dispute"  
the need to "makeup" chemical energy released by catalytic disassociation. ZPE 
is absolutely based on a negative potential but once you provide a method to 
rectify this energy (Heisenberg trap) it operates on the absolute difference 
between two potentials which is positive energy. My point is that some energy 
can be derived solely from ZPE and chemistry without the need for any nuclear 
reactions and it could even be of a similar scale. I think this is what Moller 
and Naudin were pursuing with the MAHG device. We have been programmed to 
accept that the ZPE in gas motion cannot be exploited because we assumed 
gravity is isotropic but that changes in Cavity QED where we can suddenly 
exploit differences in inertial frames without the need for near luminal fact what "velocity" there is to move the h1 and h2 between 
frames is provided gratis by the constant motion of gas[ZPE]. If you add in the 
"relativistic" interpretation of Casimir effect the "frequency" of these 
disassociations suddenly scales at an almost unlimited rate [terahertz +] based 
on A/a^4 [plate area over separation^4] . That's why I was trying to find a 
form of the time dilation formula[Gamma] already solving for force so I could 
make it directly equal to the Casimir formula and get an idea for just how much 
acceleration and how dynamically it changes inside the array of geometry 
created by "real" Casimir materials. Once the formulas for positive changes in 
energy density [Gamma] seen in near luminal objects are related to negative 
changes seen in nano geometry [Casimir] it becomes possible to solve in terms 
of each other's variables. I think rapid changes in equivalent acceleration 
[jerk] occur due to Casimir geometry and are responsible for the property we 
call catalytic disassociation. The time dilation would locally mask the 
equivalent acceleration we calculate outside the cavity BUT the accumulating 
velocity would rapidly sling shot the gas between an array of different 
inertial frames formed by the tapestry where the gas momentum would keep 
finding itself in violent opposition to the changing magnitude and vector of 
the negative acceleration [quantum blender]. I don't expect you to agree but 
still argue it is a valid possibility.


Jones Beene wrote on  Wednesday, April 27, 2011 6:40 PM

[snip]To put this all into the average vortician's perspective, Fran and a few
others on vortex believe that the Casimir force and therefore ZPE are
intimately involved in both the Mills' reaction and in "lattice assisted
nuclear fusion" and in the Rossi effect. "Nano" is the key word. Or "FRET"
if you are a bit more sophisticated on the theoretical end.

That would be LANR, in contrast to LENR, but the two are essentially the
same animal from different perspectives. The zero point field can provide a
force which can provide net thermal energy under certain narrow conditions,
if at high repetition rate. But for the long term, the excess energy must be
replaced periodically by a nuclear process. The Mills' reaction can be
reconciled with this, if one accepts that he cuts short the progression

CANR or "chemically assisted" is another way of saying the same thing- that
valence electrons (i.e. chemistry) can influence nuclear reactions,
especially when there is cavity confinement so that interactions with
valence electrons are accelerated; and to the extent that the "improbable
become probable" due to the extreme number of sequential transactions

The key to all of it is hydrogen going from molecular to atomic and back. H2
is tightly bound. A spillover catalyst breaks that bond catalytically and
actually extracts heat to do it. That is not in dispute. A net energy
asymmetry in this process is only possible when there is a nuclear process
which can provide the "makeup". (That is the dispute) The best way that I
can verbalize the 'Rossi effect', but others have their own perspectives on
it - is that it is a hybrid ZPE/nuclear process.


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