>From Jones:


> ... hey ... come to think of it ... you don't think that the
> deuterium tank seen at one time in Rossi's setup was indicating
> that he could be harvesting the ash <g> ? nah...
> The excuse given at the time was to quench the reaction, but
> think about it, do you quench fire with gold? Check the relative
> price .... the new gold rush?
> Come to think of it, if the casual observer was wondering why
> BLP has not countered Rossi with its own demo, yet seems to be
> flush with new money, then one need only imagine the price he
> can get from DoD/NASA for harvested Hy for use as either weapons
> or propellant.

Jones, you suffer from the same affliction that I suspect I'm cursed
with: I think you tend to over-speculate! IOW, you think too much. ;-)

I hope you don't take any real offense from this personal observation
of mine. I'm only trying to suggest: It takes one to know one.

Please note that being cursed with such an affliction hasn't stopped
me from reading your unique take on recent events. I suspect your
unique perceptions tend to augment my own fermentation processes.  You
certainly have a better grasp of the physics than I.

Guinness anyone?

PS: Keep updating the list!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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