Where was this suspicious pre-demo mentioned? 

Sent from my iPhone. 

On May 13, 2011, at 22:48, "Jones Beene" <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> No disagreement to speak of - not to mention in a couple of months I might
> be arguing Terry's position and he might have mine. But the truth will out,
> and therefore let me state a present concern more succinctly. First, rent
> the movie "Boiler Room" if you have not seen it... for the entertainment
> value alone.
> Second, there is evidence that an interim "pre-demo" will take place in 8-10
> weeks in Xanthi, Greece - invitation only - which will coincide with a
> founders stock offering. This will be a fully staged and produced "media
> event" featuring a working factory making E-Cats ... and with a quite few of
> them in apparent operation - but "do not touch" anything, or ask too many
> questions, even if you hear extravagant claims.
> Since it is not the 'official' demo, nor the official IPO, there will be no
> skeptical criticism, and in the end no more facts will be known than now.
> The set-up of a good "pump and dump" is to get a percentage of shares out to
> well-connected investors and other brokers - who provide constant "pumping"
> action 'on the street' since they have priority for more. These touts and
> pundits will be televised in the media, praising the technology and begging
> for more stock. Feeding frenzy ensues.
> Good reason to hire a stockbroker, instead of a technologist or real
> manager, to head your company. I have heard that it is possible for a
> startup to obtain authorization to issue 100 billion shares with no prior
> record of a real product - but that could be only in Calgary or BC :)
> None of this is a huge problem if you have a rock-solid product to offer
> with nothing to hide ... hmmm ... kinda like the Ballard fuel cell ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Blanton 
>> Ah Finally!
>> Ladies and Gentlemen! Time for this evening's main attraction!
> I hate to disappoint the audience; but, there will be no fight here.
> I understand Jones' opinion, respect his opinion and will defend to
> the death his right to express it.
> But, opinions are like rectums, we all have them and they all stink.
> Until the truth outs, it's all speculum.
> T

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