Hello Guys, 

In some computer juggling I got disconnected from Vortex but have now
crawled out of the woodwork to join the conversation. I will pick up on
comments by Jones to Jed about the E-Cat, which I have been following with
help from Peter Gluck. I am also intently following Mills' development of
the CIHT cell, about which little is being said by BLP.


Jones' comments are apt. The Mills/Rossi/Piatelli/LENR technologies will be
footnotes in history books unless they are replicated and deployed on a
large scale. The public issues raised by Jones and get in the way, but if
you seek to make a zillion devices you have to understand at a deep level
what you are doing, even if it is making a billion hamburgers. Otherwise, at
some point, the devices 'won't work' for some mysterious reason. Edison had
to *sell* electric lighting even after he built the Pearl Street station ad
provided electric lights for a banking house conference room. Still his DC
system would not have reached widespread deployment. It was Tesla's AC motor
and Westinghouse's backing that made the current grid possible. Tesla died
in poverty, his residence at the Waldorf-Astoria paid for by JP Morgan and
others who made fortunes from his inventions. And, yes, Tesla, not Marconi,
invented radio.


This should be an interesting year.


Mike Carrell

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