Rossi said:

 Andrea Rossi
July 12th, 2011 at 6:24

Dear Malcom,
Yes, also.
Warm Regards,

"Yes also" means that both the reaction vessel and the lead shield both
generated heat, IMHO.

the proportions are as follows: reaction vessel = a lot

Lead shied = a little.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Alan J Fletcher <> wrote:

> Malcolm
> July 12th, 2011 at 5:02 
> AM<>
> Thank you for your detailed reply to Dr. Mario Voltaggio. You mention that
> the heating effect is due to gamma absorption by the lead. I assume from
> this that the lead shielding is in fact in direct contact with the copper
> water jacket and so the water is heated from the outside. Is this correct?
> AR ===>   YES
> Luke Mortensen
> July 11th, 2011 at 8:17 
> PM<>
> Three new topics of research have been mentioned in the last few weeks:
> A) Developing 30KW ecat modules.
> AR ====> A- Working on this.
> B) Increasing efficiency of steam electricity production
> AR ====>  B- in progress: within one year we should be ready
> C) Perfecting designs for self sustaining ecats with no input electricity
> AR ====> C- Remarkable progress

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