In neo Lorentzian Ether Theory the Ether intersects with space at what we 3D 
beings perceive as the constant C in all inertial frames. This rate of 
intersection is at 90 degrees to the spatial axis, has no directional bias and 
is "equivalent"  to a relative motion of 300 million m/s perpendicular to, and 
passing through,  the spatial plane which is reflected in the derivation of the 
Gamma formula . When a Linear 
Accelerator drives a particle to significant fractions of C in a specific 
spatial direction the resulting vector of the particle is in a Pythagorean 
relationship between the spatial driving fields of the acceleration tube and 
the equivalent velocity of the Ether passing through our spatial plane. We know 
from the gamma formula that time dilation occurs even though  local observers 
travelling with the particle or outside the accelerator are unaware that t'  or 
angle relative to the Ether has changed.  From Einstein's equivalence principle 
we know we can also have a stationary particle that experiences the same 
acceleration effects sitting still at the bottom of a very large gravity well. 
In a neo LET interpretation the gravity well is curving space away from being 
perpendicular to the Ether and the particle therefore experiences a lower 
intersection rate at the new angle - which it is unaware of since t' and time 
dilation are undetectable except through relative measure. The stationary 
particle does feel a gravitational attraction toward the bottom of the gravity 
well "equivalent" to the accelerating force the moving particle feels from the 
linear accelerator. Although a local observer would never see any change in 
vacuum energy density an observer outside the gravity well would conclude the 
total vacuum energy density has increased because t' is longer than t and  as 
per the Twin Paradox time is slowed from our perspective.
Although mainstream presently believe that Casimir effect causes vacuum energy 
wavelengths to be displaced by the narrow spacing between Casimir plates 
leading to a situation where only shorter wavelengths and a lower total energy 
density can exist between the plates, I am convinced they are wrong. The fact 
that C "appears" to increase when the transition time of a laser entering and 
exiting a cavity is measured and that radioactive gases are known to experience 
time dilation to their half lives when loaded into Casimir cavities  leads me 
to believe that Casimir effect is actually relativistic. The shorter 
"appearing" wavelength are actually the same longer wavelengths that are 
squeezing in between the plates by curving space time. As Jan Naudts suggested 
the hydrino is actually relativistic hydrogen.  Any gas atoms loaded between 
Casimir plates experience the lower energy density accomplished by the longer 
vacuum wavelengths curving space-time between the plates. The sudden changes in 
Casimir force with changes in geometry builds an environment where simple 
asymmetries in motion paths or chemistry can exploit the normally chaotic 
background of zero point energy.  A recent example being the measurement of 
real photons from a rapidly moving mirror that displaced virtual particle pairs 
from each other. The hydrogen may not be moving back and forth spatially 
anywhere near luminal velocity but the "slew rate" between different  
"equivalent" accelerations with changes in Casimir force may qualify - A 
hydrogen atom deep inside a cavity would have a negative perspective where we 
outside the cavity appear to be deep down a gravity well and would see us as 
existing in "slow" time. This insight led me to ascribe a similar mechanism to 
Catalytic action where changes in atomic geometries  cause reactions to 
accelerate by pushing and pulling reactants between different energy densities 
-note I did not say it is all time dilation but rather a combination of both 
dilation and rapid changes in equivalent accelerations.


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