> Well, Jed, maybe you're right at the cusp of a complete
> switch of your gestalt of understandings re the Rossi
> phenomenon -- a little more likely when waking up in the
> morning, you notice your entire system of interpretations
> has irrevocably reversed, like a 3D shift in the way a
> wire cube seems to face -- can't be forced or rushed --
> just happens -- like remembering a name a few minutes
> after choosing to stop trying to recall it...


FIWI, when it comes to predicting the psychological machinations of
individuals it is best to use oneself as the guinea pig. (I have no
problem exploiting my own faults and quirky predilections when it
comes to psycho babble. I have given myself permission to exploit
myself.) OTOH, psychoanalyzing and exploiting others in public without
their expressed consent, making predictions pertaining to how others
are likely to behave, while simultaneously standing aloof, as if you
are above it all is bullshit psychology.

Mr. Beaty, IMHO, you might want to keep a watch on Mr. Murray. If Mr.
Murray's propensity to exploit pop psychology persists I think it may
warrant a temporary time out from the Vort sand box.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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