Am 14.09.2011 08:55, schrieb Peter Gluck:
a) See the E-cat run in the self sustaining mode

Here my Analysis:

At the end, when the water input valve is opened, then a mixture out of water and steam comes out with remarkable pressure.
Now, how can we have pressure when the steam outlet is still open?
Answer: The steam outlet is not open. Probably there is a pressure reduction valve in the oulet. This opens at 1-2 bar pressure and it closes when the pressure sinks.
This means inside the ecat is always 1-2 bar overpressure.

Saturated steam temperatures versus pressure tabulated:
(This is the over-pressure that is more than air pressure)
1 bar -> 120.2°
1.5 bar -> 127.4°
2.0 bar ->  133.5°
2.5 bar -> 138.9°

Now this explains why water and steam come out. Water comes out and it has a temperature of 120°.
Wenn it flows out it will vaporize partially and produce steam.

This also explains the water output flow at the steam hose:
The steam inside of the ecat has a pressure between 1 and 2 bar and a temperature between 120 and 133 centigrade. When the steam passes the pressure reduction valve then it will expand to air (over) pressure of 0 bar. To do this, work must be done and the steam will cool down to 100° and partially condensate. This explains the output water flow at the steam outlet.

So far my qualitative steam & temperature & pressure analysis.
There is one thing that irritated me. When they show the e-cat in self-sustained mode, then I cannot hear the pump anymore. Did they stop the pump and why?



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