Am 30.09.2011 21:11, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    I found this document, where NASA found excess heat in H-Ni
    Could it be this document is an april joke that was leaked out?

NASA does not joke. Especially about cold fusion.

Im not so sure.

After carefully studying the paper I found that they unfortunately did not measure the amount of H2 and O2 bubbling out.
This would be absolutely necessary.

When the electrolysis starts then hydrogen and oxygen will be solved in water instead bubbling out. This is well known from ancient classical chemical experiments using the Hoffmann electrolysis apparat.
This will continue until the water is satured with oxygen and hydrogen.

Now, they use a stirrer and they have a platinum electrode. It is also well known from classic chemistry , that platinum acts as a catalyst and recombines hydrogen and oxygen, producing heat.

They assume that most hydrogen and oxygen was not recombined and this assumption might be wrong. There could be much more recombination than they think. This MUST be measured.
(Pons & Fleischmann had similar problems)
So it would be absolutely necessary to measure the produced H2 and the O2 in order to get evident results.

I ask myself if they started to investigate this, why did they only go the half way?
This is amateurish or it is incomplete.

If this works repeatable and the energy can be reliable proven, then they dont need Rossi and his poprietary secret methods and devices.


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