
On 7-10-2011 0:46, Mattia Rizzi wrote:
Man on Bridges, kWh/h if you leave the two "h" means kW, POWER.

"As a consequence, the total production of thermal energy of this particular reactor was: 9,412 Kwh/h + 1,22 Kwh/h = 10,6 Kwh/h"
equals to
"As a consequence, the total production of *thermal energy* of this particular reactor was: 9,412 Kw + 1,22 Kw = 10,6 Kw"
It's simply wrong.

I know what you are referring to and you are right.

The thing is, it's not a matter of syntax but semantics as Stremmenson and others who say "kWh/h" i.s.o. "kWh" seem not to know or understand that "kWh" is already a unit of energy which is always expressed in power per time period.

Kind regards,


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