I posted this response, which I expect Krivit will not allow --

Krivit wrote:

"However, Rossi heated the device with 2.7 kilowatts of electricity for four
hours in advance. This amounts to 38.88 megaJoules of energy."

The implication here appears to be that during 4 hours in advance, the 33.88
MJ of input were somehow stored in the device. If that had been the case,
the device would have remained at room temperature. There would a heat
deficit. There was no such deficit, and it is physically impossible for
there to be one. Nearly the entire 33.88 MJ that went in during this period
came right out again. There was a balance. Actually it was slightly
exothermic. In any case, even if 38 gigawatts had been input before the
event, that would make no difference if all of that heat came out as soon as
it went in.

The heat after death event can only have been caused by heat generated
internally during the event.

- Jed

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