I sometimes wonder if the breakup between Rossi and Defkalion is just
a charade, like the demo Rossi made for Krivit.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:40 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
<svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very interesting letter indeed.
> Regarding the following excerpt:
>> In all such cases, had there been close cooperation with
>> Defkalion to develop the technology together, as opposed
>> to focusing and putting pressure on us to receive money,
>> many of these unfortunate legal and technical
>> misunderstandings could have been avoided.
>> As such, all these created serious delays for all
>> contractual parties and for payment to be made according
>> to our contract. You will safely recall that payment is
>> based on the successful demonstration according to
>> protocols and procedures that have been supplied to EFA,
>> whose conditions have not been met yet.
> It may be a matter of interpretation, one mired in legal jargon no
> doubt, as to whether RA actually supplied "...successful demonstration
> according to protocols and procedures that have been supplied to EFA."
> Obviously DGT sez no, while I presume AR will say that he did... so
> where's my money. Meanwhile, I get the impression that DGT is
> monumentally strapped for cash. Under the circumstances they could
> either pay AR what he thinks is owed to him, or DGT can redirect what
> limited financial resources they might still have left in the piggy
> bank towards completing their on-going R&D efforts - while
> simultaneously asking AR to just be a little more patient a while
> longer. Who's going to win this battle? I fear it won't be AR. Ya
> know, I'm sort of finding myself sympathizing more with DGT than with
> AR on this one.
> Don't change that channel folks!
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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