Terry, Robert,

I Googled "lissajous patterns" in my on-going efforts to educate
myself. In the midst of learning about these interesting oscillating
patterns I came across an obscure web site managed by an independent
inventor named Jed Margolin. I stumbled across his web site because
Mr. Margoliln had a link that explained lissajous patterns.

Here's his home page:


Mr. Margolin's web site is not impressive in the visual sense. Lots of
plan HTML text - with a few graphs and pictures sprinkled in here and
there to make his point. Being an independent inventor he has also
included compiled a list of patents. Scroll down and you will find
links to them.

Mr. Margolin's investigations and research are documented in
meticulous chronological order making it easy to see how his
perceptions evolved over time. Of particular interest to me were his
dealings with NASA who, in Mr. Margolin's opinion, does not treat
independent inventors fairly.


I kind'a wish Mr. Krivit would check out Mr. Margolin. This is the
kind of stuff that, IMO, Krivit is often very good at - digging up
obfuscated stuff and telling the story of the underdog. Alas, I don't
think Mr. Margolin is into the alternate energy scene in any big way,
so I suspect Mr. Krivit will probably pass on this one.

* * * * * *

Other interesting Margolin links.

Synthetic Vision:

Here are views of Mr. Margolin's house. I think his estate resides out
in the Nevada country side. Looks like he has been able to cash in on
at least some of his "inventions." Looks beautiful.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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