This is a very nice diagram. However, as I showed in the "T2 THERMOCOUPLE LOCATION" in:

the center of the thermocouple comes down precisely on the edge of the fins.

On Oct 14, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Bob Higgins sent me a higher-resolution diagram which I'm hosting at :

The T2 probe length has been increased to reflect recent discussions.

ps If anyone needs image hosting, I've got plenty of storage. Just send me a pic and I'll put it up.

At 07:47 AM 10/14/2011, azat avetisyan wrote:
Hi Alan
Could you please send me Mr Higgins higher-res version of fat- cat's diagram. Please tell him thank you for this wonderful diagram, now I could understand looking on diagram, how e-cat's work. Also, thank you for your website, it's excellent information and analysis source.

You're welcome.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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