I wrote:

> The test will be held in Italy, not Florida, and Rossi told me emphatically
> that I am NOT invited. He was upset by my recent criticisms. I was upset by
> the fact that he didn't even bother to insert an SD card into a meter, for
> crying out loud.

To be fair de Rossi, I should add that not only did I criticize the October
6 test, I also told him I think the upcoming test is unwise.

Okay, I admit, I said more than "unwise."

One of the people he is inviting suggested that they have an ambulance
parked at the factory in case something goes wrong. I told Rossi and that
person they should have the entire fire department attend, plus someone from
the coroner's office.

I also told them I am pretty sure they do not have a license or permission
to do this because no sane government official would allow such a thing.

This is 1 MW nuclear reactor that works by unknown principles. They intended
test it in a populated area, for the first time, in front of an audience.

Before you turn on such a machine, it is essential that you spend months and
thousands of hours gradually working your way up to that power level with
smaller units. You need to test the software and hardware that multiplexes
many units. You need to use a conventional 1 MW steam generator to test the
overall ability of the machine to handle that much steam. These tests must
be performed by hundreds of experts in many different locations, at many
different national and corporate laboratories. A machine of this size should
be tested the first time someplace like the White Sands Missile Range, with
observers located a good distance away in a block house.

This is common sense. Doing it any other way is lunacy. It is also as
amateur as a would-be pilots shown in the video I posted in the previous
message. Yes, it is as bad as that. I am not exaggerating. A person who
would even *think* of turning on such a large machine without extensive
tests beforehand is completely unqualified to be testing any kind of nuclear

- Jed

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