Susan Gipp <> wrote:

Because this is in his flamboyant nature to show someting HUGE, LOUD,
> POWERFUL,  etc. etc.
> He's convinced that the more is big, the more demostrates it works.

I agree. That seems likely. He has often said that smaller, kilowatt-scale
reactors do not prove the machine can be used in industry.

It is ironic, but I predict that if this technology succeeds, in the future
nearly all generators and motors will be in the kilowatt-scale, generating
electricity at home or powering an automobile or truck. There will be few
applications for power sources of 1 MW or larger. Of course there will be
some, such as blast furnaces, large factories, the hot water heater at a
2000-room hotel or aerospace engines. I think 747 aircraft engines produce
140 MW total. Not sure.

- Jed

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