Daniel Rocha wrote:

Jed, how about this:

Enrico Billi tells us that they weighed the E-Cat before and after, but not why it mysteriously gained a kilogram of weight. I can offer a plausible explanation. . . .

I would not call that plausible.

Over the past several years, many people have looked inside of these reactors, carefully examining every part except the innermost cell, which is much too small to hide anything in. They have never seen any sign of hidden chemical fuel or electric wires. So there is no chance that Rossi used such tricks in the past. Not the slightest chance. I do not think it is likely Rossi has suddenly decided to resort to such tricks now.

The previous tests were definitive, especially the February 18-hour test, unless you think flow calorimetry does not work. So the machines were working then. There is no reason to think they stopped working now, so he suddenly needs to cheat.

There is nothing mysterious about the weight gain. Obviously the machine was still wet, and the scale used to weigh it was not very accurate. I have a good quality digital bathroom scale. I have often weighed myself on the bathroom scale several times in a row and seen variations of 0.4 pounds (0.2 kg). When you weigh a heavy object, such as a suitcase, the weight changes depending on where you place the object on the scale or whether the floor is level.

- Jed

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