On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:38 AM, Akira Shirakawa
<shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello group,
> NyTeknik and Focus.it today published several additional analyses on the
> September 6th E-Cat Test.

I'm not sure if this update was present when you first viewed the
NyTeknik article:

UPDATE (Oct 21, 16:45): Defkalion confirms this information with the
following statement: "Price for exclusive license is 40.5 million
Euros which includes blue prints, transfer of knowledge, and training
to establish an operating factory producing up to 300.000 Hyperion
[Defkalion's product name] units annually. Potential licensees contact
Defkalion with an interest to assume this exclusive license. They are
invited to perform independent tests on our products with their own
instruments. The 500,000 Euros in an Escrow Account is payable only on
the condition that they are satisfied by the results of their
measurements and they wish to proceed in the signing of a full
contract." (End of update)

DGT has confirmed this on their forum.


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