Hi Bob,

This issue that we are working on is one of importance and I hope that we can 
come to an understanding as to how it operates.  I have extended my previous 
theory based upon newly mined factors within the test data.  You viewpoint is 
valuable to me as I ensure that most of the strange observations are explained. 
 For this reason I wish to respond to your latest post as follows:

There are two different cases which need to be considered as we look into the 
thought experiment behavior.  The first one is the condition of adding the 100 
grams slug of water to an ECAT that is full of water and overflowing.  In this 
case I suspect that we are in general agreement.  I would be surprised if the 
100 grams did not immediately appear exiting the output port.  The water 
leaving of course would be at the temperature at which the ECAT is operating.  
This represents the overflow case.  I now find that I have some reason to 
believe that this is in fact occurring at the time of the large outflow after 
the pump rate is increased.  I need to verify this situation as I may be 
chasing a ghost.  It will take additional time to prove and I will publish that 
reason if I am successful.

The second case is of course the one where the internal ECAT is not overflowing 
and has a reasonable amount of vapor trapped within.  Here we are not in 
agreement.  I have given it some serious thought and have reached the following 
conclusion.  At the moment that the new slug of water is introduced, steam of 
that same volume will be expelled from the ECAT output port.  The volume of 
vapor is 100  ml as is the water inputted.  The density of vapor is 1/921.7 
that of liquid at 117 C.  In this case the first order calculation yields that 
100 ml of vapor has .10849 grams of water inside.  This small addition to the 
flow would not have a serious impact upon the output stream.  Also, if we 
assume that additional liquid is evaporated as a result of the extra slug 
input, it will take a large amount of energy to occur.  This requirement would 
be in the order of 2260 joules/gram  x  100 grams = 226000 joules for our slug. 
 The resulting temperature drop for 25.1 liters would be 226000 joules / (4.188 
joules/gram-C  x 25100 grams) = 2.15 degrees centigrade.  This temperature drop 
would result in a pressure drop of 26.182 psi(117 C) - 24.458 (114.9 C) = 1.724 
psi.  This additional pressure drop must result in extra valve closure.

Mats Lewan informed me that the output flow was cool, had no air or vapor 
within, and smooth.  He was careful not to disturb the setup plumbing as much 
as possible.  He also stated that the water was there within seconds to begin 
to fill his measuring device.  I view the hose to heat exchanger path as a 
plumbing trap.  Water is trapped within the low region and must back up into 
the exchanger to some starting distance.  The height differentials will cause a 
small vacuum to exist due to siphon action which then has to be compensated for 
by the remaining pressure all the way to the output port of the ECAT.  My 
original post shows how that water ending distance causes the steam to be 
condensed closer and closer to the manifold as the flow rate reduces.

The heat exchanger probably does not have a smooth monotonic change in 
temperature from cold to high end(input port) under these conditions.  I 
propose that the heat released by the condensing steam is becoming concentrated 
within a region closer and closer to and within the manifold region as the flow 
rate is reduced.  The amount of energy contained within the hot water itself is 
many time lower than that of the condensing vapor.  The secondary water flow 
will overwhelm any effects due to the liquid within the primary, but not the 
vapor since it is releases much more energy at condensation point.  All of the 
pieces seem to fit together into a complete puzzle and I hope that this post 
will help clarify my position.

I agree with you that some form of level control is required if Rossi is to 
output a controlled amount of steam.  Water output would not require that and I 
now think that he has that within his sights for the big test.


-----Original Message-----
From: Higgins Bob-CBH003 <bob.higg...@motorolasolutions.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sun, Oct 23, 2011 7:04 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Possible mechanism-Excess Power Reading of ECAT

Hi David,
Thought experiments are good and I like the your analysis because it causes us 
to consider another possible effect.  I believe I understand your calculation, 
but there are a few things that I think were different than in your thought 
First, the E-cat holds 30kg of water (AR was asked).  I don’t think it was only 
half full at that time.  The fins on the heat sink extend to within a few cm of 
the top and they are desirably kept submerged in water.  I suspect that the 
E-cat was filled with more than 25kg of water at the time it was shut down.  I 
think it is strange that there is not some kind of water level control in the 
E-cat – just open loop.
Another thing that I think was different than in your experiment is the 
boundary matching.  The instant that the water flow rate is increased, there 
will be no change in water temperature due to the heat capacity of the liquid.  
You are right that it will eventually change.  Presuming that the output valve 
was open enough to allow steam to continuously escape, the rate of escape must 
have been about equal to the input flow rate or the pressure would have 
increased and caused the valve to open more.  So the first effect that should 
have been seen would have been a slight pressure increase to allow the 
increased flux in the output.  At that time, the steam output rate would have 
increased in proportion the new flow rate (about double) and since there was no 
instantaneous change in temperature, the heat exchanger will measure about 
double the previous heat output rate.  This presumes that the slightly greater 
pressure does not significantly increase the leak rate (leak rate delta much 
less than the increase in input flow rate).
Since the temperature data points taken at the heat exchanger are so sparse, it 
is hard to know exactly how the output tailed off from there and I think there 
is not enough sampling to see the backflow effect you describe.
Another characteristic of the heat exchanger does not seem to be accounted for 
in your experiment.  Imagine the heat exchanger as two long, highly coupled 
tubes (thermally coupled like coaxial) with nominal flow in opposite 
directions.  The temperature at primary output is ideally the same as the 
secondary input and along the length of the tubes, temperature should 
monotonically change to match the primary input and the secondary output 
temperatures.  So should any liquid water be sucked back toward the E-cat in 
the primary, it will be colder water than the temperature nominally at that 
distance from the primary inlet and should cool the water in the secondary at 
that distance.
Since we are talking about small pressures, you also would need to consider the 
flowing mass suction effects of the primary water in the discharge.  These may 
also compensate for any backflow effects.
I am going to try to do some additional fitting to the heat exchanger data to 
remove some of the group delay from the current analysis.  This will be hard 
because I suspect the measurement points are somewhat triggered – I.E. when the 
flow rate was changed, Mats recorded a temperature reading.  
Cheers, Bob

From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 2:23 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Possible mechanism-Excess Power Reading of ECAT


Hi Bob,


I appreciate your response to my post.  It is important to me that I have a 
clear understanding of the relationship between the real output power delivered 
to the heat exchanger and the internal energy of the ECAT.  My suspicion is 
that ultimately we will be able to correlate the temperature measured at the 
ECAT output thermocouple and the real power exiting the device.


It seems to me that addition of extra input pump water would result in a 
lowering of total ECAT temperature.  The water surrounding this newly 
introduced mass would immediately start to loose energy.  This energy transfer 
is required in order for the newly inputted water mass to match the overall T2 
temperature.  I was thinking of a simple thought experiment as follows.  The 
temperature T2 is at 116.6 (use 117) when deactivation occurs.  Assume that the 
ECAT has 15 kilograms of water inside at that moment.  The energy within the 
liquid would be 15000 grams x 491.08 joules/gram(NIST) = 7.3662 Megajoules.  
Saturation pressure at that temperature is 1.8052 bars.  Lets pour a slug of 
water into the mix.  Add 100 grams(Temp = 30 C) which is in the range of 30 
seconds worth of extra water.  That has an energy of 100 grams x 125.73 
joules/gram = 12.573 kilojoules.  First order approximation is that the total 
average temperature will remain near 117 after the addition so the new water 
will require  100 grams x 491.08 joules/gram = 49.108 kilojoules- 12573 
kilojoules = net absorbed 36535 joules.  Now we have a remaining energy of 
7.3662 MJ - 36.535 KJ = 7.329665 MJ.  When the water is thoroughly mixed and 
stabilized the final tally is 7.329665 Megajoules / 15100 grams = 485.4 
joules/gram.  This energy is associated with a temperature of slightly below 
116 degrees centigrade(486.83 j/g).  Saturation pressure would now be a bit 
less than 1.744 bars.


This experiment suggests that the temperature will drop from 117 C to 116 C and 
the saturation pressure would drop from 1.8052 bars to ~ 1.744 bars or delta of 
.0612 bars(.887 psi).   My theory suggests that this pressure difference will 
cause the valve to close slightly reducing the output vapor flow rate.  As a 
result the water inside the exchanger will move closer to it input port.  
Consult my original post for details of how the thermocouple reading is 


I agree with you that the increase of pump input flow will result in an offset 
to my proposed effect to some degree, but the vapor density is many times less 
than that of the liquid and displacing 100 cc of vapor as per this experiment 
would not result in much condensed water delivery. 


Does this thought experiment appear logical?


It is important to understand that I am assuming that the ECAT is not full of 
water and capable of overflow when this process occurs. 





-----Original Message-----
From: Higgins Bob-CBH003 <bob.higg...@motorolasolutions.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Oct 22, 2011 9:26 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Possible mechanism-Excess Power Reading of ECAT

Hi David,

Yours was a very thoughtful post.  It has taken some time to digest, and I can 
say I have not fully evaluated the implications across the whole experiment.  
However, I don’t think something so complicated need be invoked to explain the 
power spike immediately after shutdown.  According to Mats’ data, as the 
hydrogen was released, the input flow rate at the peristaltic pump was 
increased – in fact, basically doubled.  Since the reactor was boiling, the 
output at the time was pretty much steam and the reactor pressure was high 
enough to keep the valve open constantly discharging steam.  The immediate 
effect of doubling the T3 input water rate is to double the VOLUME of effluent 
from the reactor output.  Since the temperature at this time remained well 
above boiling, the output that was doubled was the volume of the steam.  This 
simple explanation seems sufficient to explain the spike in measured 
temperature – double the steam volume at about the same temperature and you 
double the heat output measured at the heat exchanger.  Most of this is heat 
already stored in the E-cat – this is not a burst in reactor output.   Do you 
believe a more exotic explanation is necessary?


Bob Higgins


**** On 10/21/2011, David Roberson wrote:


Another thorn is our paws has been the unusual behavior when the total power 
has been shut down and water flow maximized at the end of the test run.  Look 
at the data from 19:22.  About 14 minutes before this time the power was shut 
down, hydrogen eliminated and input water flow rapidly increased.  A nice 2.1 
degree drop is seen in the ECAT output temperature from the last reading.  My 
thought is that the increased water input flow quickly reduces the rapid 
boiling within the ECAT and allows the vacuum effect to draw the exchanger hot 
water into the manifold.  This water then leads to a large apparent power 
increase (Tout – Tin = 8.6 degrees) which is an illusion.  Temperature just 
prior to this (Tout – Tin = 5.3 degrees) yields a lot less power.

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